Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Native People More Likely to Die from Swine Flu

American Indians and Alaska Natives have an H1N1 mortality rate four times higher than persons in all other racial/ethnic populations combined, according to a report published last month by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The report, based on data collected between April 15 and Nov. 13 in 12 states, did not pinpoint the reasons for the disparity in death rates. It suggests, however, that it may be related to a high prevalence of chronic health conditions, such as diabetes and asthma, among Native people, which predisposes them to influenza complications; poverty/poor living conditions; and delayed access to care.


  1. What about poor diagnosis? Most go to an Indian Health Service Department who are overcrowded, and recipients spend hours and hours waiting to get served, even in urgent care clinics. Doctors see client less than a min. and move on to the next patient. It is until the client requires ER services that the client is diagnosed and by then it is usually too late for recovery.

  2. It's called AUTOGENOCIDE, courtesy of the pharmaceutifal, healthcare industry and your government. So what else is new!

  3. Too bad, the Doctors at IHS/PHS are ready to prescribe any and all meds that they don't even know the dangers of the drugs. The Doctors don't even know what to treat, as they are OJT Doctors. The Clinic then spends all this unneeded money on gerneric pills then they have no money for people to see a specialist or have a surgury that could save their lives.
    I would like to see the statistics of causes of death and what the patient was being treated for. Many times the patients are poisioning themselves without even knowing it.
    Diabetic patients have to wait to get their meds and often go without because the doctors don't want to give them their perscriptions for more than a month.

    We need to have specialits available at our IHS Clinics and up to date testing equipment. Many times, the clinic sends the tests and it takes for ever to get the results.

    Please do OMB Audit of the Indian Health Service Units, so that we can get our health care up to par. We should have funds available for our own communities and one service unit should not be able to get all the funds from other clinics in that region.

    Please send help.
