Friday, September 24, 2010

New Yorker Cartoon Draws Charges of Racism

Who ever thought The New Yorker would stoop so low? Check out this week's cartoon caption contest winner. The link here is to the Gawker blog, which was quick to question the wisdom of the cartoon editors who chose the cartoon and caption and of the New Yorker readers who voted for it. The comments on the Gawker post are worth reading too. The cartoon is printed on the last page of the September 27 issue of The New Yorker.

1 comment:

  1. I find it quite insulting that after all these years, (Centuries) that the Native American People are still looked upon as savages and portrayed as such in a cartoon. If anything, I know them to be a very loving Nation and one who respect our Nation, and Mother Earth more than than most people in these United States. We would do a great service to ourselves to learn from their example.
